The one expense category where my wife and I have not cut back on is food. The average cost for food, per household, was $9,343 in the last full …
We’ve all seen the catchy headlines and probably even shamefully clicked on a few of them (no shame with THIS article though): “Frugal teacher retires with $2 million in …
2025 Update on Elio Motors: I first wrote about Elio Motors, and its sub $7K target price in 2014. As of 2023 Elio Motors still had not begun delivering …
According to 77% of 226 investment advisors, in a recent survey, the low bar for what Gen Y (millennials) should save for retirement is $2 million. One author and …
Longtime readers will know that I have been using Credit Karma to monitor my credit score for a while now. The free consumer credit information service (best way I can …
Fresh off of my snarky “crowdfund my wedding” post a few weeks back, I have been keeping an eye on the latest crowdfunding trends. What a racket! There was …
OK, this article is going to come across as part career advice, part opinion seeking, part storytelling, and part rant on the ethics of hiring employers asking for references …
This is an article on whether the cost savings of DIY oil changes are worth it. First, a story to help get us there. My wife and I wrapped …