My wife and I recently undertook a kitchen renovation, which is still in progress. Once complete, I’ll share the story, pictures, and some numbers, but that will probably turn …
Have you ever wondered, “Hmmm… can I roll this retirement plan over to that retirement plan”? Retirement plan rollovers can be confusing. Sometimes there are goofy rules around when …
Vanguard recently wrapped up a cross-country tour that they dubbed “The At-Cost CafĂ©” to extol the virtues of low-cost investing – and quite appropriately – sell coffee at-cost ($0.26) …
Have Employee Stock? Be Aware of the Capital Gains Implications This of capital gains on employee stock has been updated for the 2024 and 2025 tax years. A while …
As my income has grown, expenses have declined, and I’ve grown more and more in tune with my personal finances and long-term goals – an interesting and ironic thing …
I was recently approached by a longtime reader with a seemingly random question on 401Ks, Is it better to max out your 401K each year as soon as possible? …
Which Vanguard S&P 500 Index Fund is the Best? I’m a big fan of passive index investing, where you essentially funnel all of your investments in to index funds …
I have been trying to think of an item that perfectly symbolizes consumerism gone wrong. You know, those things that are just absolutely unnecessary, wasteful, atrocious inventions. I need …