Conformity can take you a long ways in many areas of your life. That is why we all participate in it – consciously or not. Even if we take …
Saddle up, here we go. Let’s cut right to it – the AHCA (aka “Trumpcare”) legislation that Paul Ryan and House Republicans passed last week, at its core, trades …
The recent “Bumpgate” incident (I prefer “Drag-gate”) from United, in my mind, is not too dissimilar from the situations that have led to Comcast and Epipen (among others) taking …
Let’s delve into some philosophy, shall we? Have you ever met a very financially successful individual (i.e. a business owner, CEO, or celebrity) and been absolutely dumbfounded as to …
This overview on filing an IRS tax extension has been updated for the 2025 tax season (2024 tax year filing). When the tax deadline arrives, if you do not …
If you have self-employment income, SEP IRAs (SEP stands for “Simplified Employee Pension”) are a great vehicle for turbo-charging your retirement savings while simultaneously reducing your tax obligation. Along …
Most 401Ks are Not Great. Here is How to Optimize Yours. 401Ks “suck”. But only in comparison to what they’ve replaced. And given that they are the standard today, …
The health care industry is almost one-fifth of the American economy, and massively restructuring it impacts all of us financially in a huge way. So, I felt it necessary …