Libraries and Personal Finance go Hand-in-Hand Every community needs a good library. And every good personal financier needs a library card. If you haven’t been to the library since …
Free Birthday Freebie Coupons for Breakfast, Coffee, Drinks, Lunch, Dinner, & Dessert This birthday freebies article has been updated for 2025. It’s your birthday. And, damn it, you deserve …
Closed End Funds: what the Heck are they? Closed end funds are not the easiest concept to pick up by amateur investors. They are a little bit like stocks …
CouchSurfing: 10 Tips for First-Time Surfers to Overcome Initial Hesitations via Proper Etiquette A few weeks ago, I wrote a post on CouchSurfing basics – how to sign up, …
With duration of unemployment becoming the longest during any recession on record, the continued decline in the housing market, and the threat of a double-dip recession, people are justified …
Summer Fun Can be Cheap August is almost over, and that means there’s about two good months of summer left if you’re in a northern climate. Live it up …
There’s a huge gap in the United States between the percentage of Americans that ARE self-employed and the percentage of American’s that WANT to be self-employed. Let’s take a …
Tiny Home Movement is Growing Rapidly Admittedly, I haven’t made the leap from a regular-sized home to a tiny home just yet. But that hasn’t stopped me from strongly …