Hey everyone. Time to let you in on a little secret. I’ve decided to sell my home and upgrade to a slightly bigger and nicer one. I found that …
Most celebrity finance stories are super depressing and usually include the following phrases in the headline, “Files for Bankruptcy”, “Lost Millions”, or “Spent Entire Fortune on”. When I find …
It’s been well documented that millennials have been financially struggling, but Steven Rattner of the New York Times recently added to a bleak overall financial picture for millennials (18-34 …
Someone recently posed an interesting brain teaser to me, “Would you rather win the lottery or have the perfect job?” Details were lacking, and it got me thinking (which …
Surprise! You can Actually Over-Contribute to a 401K All good things come with limitations. And never is that more true than with retirement accounts. For those lucky enough to …
There are an endless variety of financial goals that you can set out to achieve. Some can be very short term, i.e. “I’m not going to spend a dollar …
With last Thursday’s ACA Supreme Court ruling confirming that Congress intended to include subsidies for those on the federal exchange in addition to state exchanges, the ACA has now …
457B Plans Offer Participants an Opportunity to Turbo-charge their Retirement Savings This 457B overview article has been updated with information for the 2025 tax year. In the wake of …