An internet connection in today’s world is about as much of a necessity as running water. But like running water, healthcare, electricity, and other necessities in life – it …
Nobody wishes to see their loved ones die so that they can reap a windfall. And because nobody wants to be associated with even having those ‘what if’ thoughts, …
A REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) is a popular investment vehicle for those who want to invest in the real estate market without actually owning property. Recently, many of …
My wife and I have been mostly vegetarian for a number of years now. I very occasionally eat poultry (holidays), I eat seafood, and I eat dairy as well. …
I’ve been on a bit of a personal savings rate kick lately. Why, you may ask? Because this one little financial ratio is a huge predictor of not only …
My purging process around the house came to a near conclusion last week with a good ole’ fashion garage sale, and I followed up with some garage sale tips. I was …
The average U.S. personal saving rate (as a percentage of income) over the last few years has hovered between 5 to 7%, but now it’s all the way back …
My Xfinity Price Negotiation Strategy to Lower my Bill Comcast, or “Xfinity” as they like to call themselves these days, had thrown me for a bit of a loop …