A friend approached me the other day with a question, “Hey, do you use the Mint.com app? I think it would be a great way for me, for example, …
Ahhh… the dentist… 30 awkward minutes of staring at the ceiling in order to avoid eye contact or looking directly into a blinding light while answering small talk questions …
With almost every single purchase we answer a question (consciously or subliminally): “What is the most convenient option?” It has become second nature. If our purchasing power doesn’t afford …
In a world where thieves mug grandmas in grocery store parking lots to steal their purses, it’s no surprise that mail identity theft and mail fraud have become very …
Can money buy happiness? Yeah, probably, to an extent. Or it can at least remove some unhappiness. We can all agree on that, right? Better question: “at what $ …
We recently discussed how impact reduction has a direct correlation to personal wealth. The discussion prompted reader, Bill, to write in with a great question, “I assume that you …
“Don’t be so cheap.” “You’re such a cheapskate.” “Why are you so cheap?” “What a cheap-ass!” How many times have you said, heard, or received the biting sting of …
This should not come as a shock to people, but 20somethingfinance.com <gulp> generates an income. You’ll either be super interested in this, or you’ll quickly stop reading. So, here …