As you begin your own personal adventures in credit and debt land, you’ll notice an interesting phenomenon: borrowing rates vary quite dramatically from one type of loan to another. …
This article has been updated for the 2024 & 2025 tax years. As with anything, when the majority of a population uses something, it usually becomes the target of …
Whenever marriage or a similar significant-other long-term partnership is formed, the question of combining finances (and to what extent) is bound to arise. And, oh what an interesting (and …
There have been big health insurance changes as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Thus far, I have not personally been majorly impacted by any major changes as …
Towards the end of December, a new federal Pay As You Earn repayment plan for student loans became available. If you’ve taken out a federal direct student loan within …
It was a Friday, just the third day back from an extended two-week holiday vacation when my throat started getting scratchy. By the next morning, I was running a …
20somethingfinance hits a landmark birthday this Thursday: 5 years! What started out as a twinkle in my eye during the start of my Christmas vacation 5 years ago has …
A friend of mine (and loyal reader), “TC”, sent me an email with an interesting proposition for a new post: review a reader’s finances, give suggestions, and open up …