The greatest stock market collapse since the Great Depression has been humbling for just about everyone, especially those with a heavy concentration of investment funds in stocks. If you …
The Tiny Home Movement ‘Home Downsizing’ has started to catch on like wildfire, particularly in the last year. Many people are simply no longer able to pay their mortgages …
Which Sub Sandwich Franchise is the Best to Own as a Franchisee? Ever wonder what it would take to own a successful franchise? The thought of owning one has …
Maximum Employer 401K Contributions Differ from Maximum Employee Contributions I’d like to clear up a very common 401K misconception surrounding maximum 401K contribution limits, and how the employer 401K …
Whether you’ve graduated recently or you’re thinking about going back to school, there are some appealing rate cuts that you could take advantage of. This is potentially a great …
Bad Personal Finances Most of the advice you’ll find on this blog is geared towards best practices when it comes to your personal finances. Not this one, my friends. …
This is a guest post from Andrea Horn, a personal finance instructor, mom of two boys, and creator of Recession Proof Living. Want to get out of debt and …
Hopefully, the catchy title sucked you in. We previously covered what backpacking gear to purchase, what food and clothing to bring, and how to properly train for backpacking. All …