Category: Credit Cards
Longtime readers will know that I have been using Credit Karma to monitor my credit score for a while now. The free consumer credit information service (best way I can …
I’ve completed another full year of using the Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express (see my initial Amex Blue Cash Preferred card review) as my primary card of …
The average credit card APR these days is ~17.69% (with many north of 20%). Actually, with monthly compounding balances, the effective APR is almost 1 percentage point higher. So …
I haven’t plugged a new credit card offering in over a year, as few (if any), have stood out from a pile of mediocrity. But here’s one worth plugging, …
A week after my ‘Gen X and Gen Y state of retirement‘ post, one of the major credit bureaus (Experian) launched an infographic on the ‘state of credit‘ of …
I’ve had a number of years of using the Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express as my primary card of choice for groceries (by far, the biggest expense …
If you’ve ever taken out a short-term loan, adjustable mortgage, private student loans, or owed money on a credit card, you’ve been impacted by the “prime rate”. If you …
I thought it might be kind of cool, as a personal finance blogger, to answer the annoyingly effective (or effectively annoying?) ad slogan question, “what’s in your wallet?”. And …