Category: Career
On the whole, a good percentage of Americans hate their jobs. But what about millennials? Turns out they outpace every other generation in their hate for their jobs. In …
Update: the Obama era new overtime rules (detailed below) were struck down by a federal judge in 2017, but a version of it could be revived in the future. …
The Shrinking Middle Class Pew Research Center grabbed headlines this past week with their analysis of U.S. Census data in a super-interesting 74 page study. I read through it …
GDP is the measure of productivity that determines the overall health of the economy. A Nobel laureate economist once said, “Productivity isn’t everything, but in the long run it …
My wife and I attended tailgate reunion (the best kind of reunion, in my opinion) with her university degree graduating class before the Michigan State/Air Force football game. Collegiate …
Paper Payroll Statements Are Going Extinct. But they Have Benefits. A few years back, my employer made a change to move everyone over to an electronic payroll system. In …
I’ve got a slightly different tech-insider take on the Amazon exposé that I want to share. Yes, the conditions described in the very long and detailed New York Times …
457B Plans Offer Participants an Opportunity to Turbo-charge their Retirement Savings This 457B overview article has been updated with information for the 2025 tax year. In the wake of …