Category: 401K
Average Retirement Savings per American According to Vanguard in their How America Saves 2024 Study, the average and median retirement savings in the U.S. by age are as follows: …
Maximum Employer 401K Contributions Differ from Maximum Employee Contributions I’d like to clear up a very common 401K misconception surrounding maximum 401K contribution limits, and how the employer 401K …
Update: in addition to this overview comparison of pensions vs 401Ks, I’ve also written an updated breakdown of pensions/401Ks in my post on defined benefit vs. defined contribution retirement …
A few years ago, I was searching through the 401K section of my employer’s intranet and was shocked and delighted to find that employees are now offered a self-directed …
You may have done your homework and found a great mutual fund to invest in, only to realize that it has been closed to new investors. This happened recently …
In a recent post, The Complete Guide to Choosing Between a Traditional 401K and a Roth 401K, we discussed all of the factors that you should consider when choosing …
Roth Vs. Traditional 401k A growing number of employers are beginning to offer not only a Traditional 401K, but now a Roth 401K as well. If you still don’t …
A 401K Basics Overview Pension plans are disappearing, and very few employees who have just entered the workforce will ever see one (consider yourself lucky if you have one). …