Category: Eco-Friendly Savings
Let’s try this exercise again, but switch from electricity to a different utility. The mean household spend on water in the U.S. per year is $739 . For as …
The mean household spend on electricity in the U.S. per year, is $1,683 per household. I live in mid-Michigan – home of the muggy, swampy summer (although nothing like …
By analyzing our water bill, we learned that watering our lawn had actually multiplied our total water usage. Because of this lesson learned, we have since dramatically cut our …
Fall is my favorite time of year. Michigan’s fall climate brings vivid changing colors, crisp cool mornings, and a reprieve from the muggy-swamp-ass-humid summer months. That’s “Pure Michigan”. But …
We recently discussed how impact reduction has a direct correlation to personal wealth. The discussion prompted reader, Bill, to write in with a great question, “I assume that you …
Limiting your environmental impact while still being frugal is becoming increasingly easy these days with technology. There are a lot of those great little energy savings inventions that fill …
Earth Day is coming up this coming Sunday, so I wanted to contribute by sharing my personal story, thoughts, and beliefs on impact reduction, ethical responsibility, and personal finance …
I ran an electricity cost experiment where I tested every plugged-in appliance in my home to see what kind of standby power they were using. The obvious goal was …