Category: Save
Some of the biggest housing costs you will come across are completely and frustratingly unpredictable. The only thing that is certain is that if you are a homeowner long …
Cut the Cost of Beer with Homebrewing If you’ve been known to enjoy a pale ale with a burrito or an Irish stout with just about anything (we’re talking …
The Sad Haircut Story: You wake up. Look in the mirror every 4 weeks or so. And say to yourself, “You know, I’m starting to look a little scraggly. …
I’m going to put a wrap on the Summer of Saving series with something that I think is vitally essential to personal finance and life success. Non-coincidentally, it is …
Do you Need Auto Insurance? If you’re not going to get rid of a car, you need auto insurance on it. Just about every state requires at least some …
The average miles driven per year in the U.S. for a 20-34 year old is 15,098. 35-54 year-olds come in at 15,291. That’s a lot of driving. Actually, it’s …
As you know, I’ve been hyping up bike commuting, in order to cut your transportation costs. I have biked to work for many years and love it. Finding a …
Outside of sharing some tips on finding a commuter bike, I want to give a few tips on how to do the commuting itself so that your biking to …