Category: Save
My wife and I recently undertook a kitchen renovation, which is still in progress. Once complete, I’ll share the story, pictures, and some numbers, but that will probably turn …
As my income has grown, expenses have declined, and I’ve grown more and more in tune with my personal finances and long-term goals – an interesting and ironic thing …
I have been trying to think of an item that perfectly symbolizes consumerism gone wrong. You know, those things that are just absolutely unnecessary, wasteful, atrocious inventions. I need …
The 20somethingfinance motto is “Get a Head Start on your Freedom”. “Freedom” is a bit ambiguous really, and as with a lyric on a favorite song, you can take …
Sometimes the biggest and easiest savings are right in front of our noses (or mouths). If you’re really in a financial pinch or simply want to push your personal …
We’ve all been guilty of impulse purchases that turn out to be, well… pretty damn stupid. You know, the stuff that you anxiously bring home or open up when …
Have you ever wondered what percent of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck? The answer to that question can be found buried within the most recent “Financial Capability in the United States” …
I have been running a personal finance site for many years now, but I have a dirty little confession to make: these days, I don’t budget <insert crowd hush …