Category: Career
It’s time for an exciting Miller household update that has been a few years in the making – that also provides a valuable takeaway for us all. And no …
A few weeks back, I was having a conversation with a co-worker who had the wise goal of “getting the most out of the benefits available” to employees at …
The New York Fed recently released a landmark study on individual lifetime earnings, called “What Do Data on Millions of U.S. Workers Reveal about Life-Cycle Earnings Risk?“. The breadth …
I’ve bashed really big, cash-rich corporations for not paying a livable wage, and offered up some alternative retailers/restaurants that are paying a livable wage. Americans should not settle for …
The hottest new job perk these days is unlimited vacation time (aka “discretionary time off”, or DTO). That’s right, UNLIMITED VACATION DAYS! (WOO HOO!). A growing host of companies …
Previous generations of workers fought their butts off for paid vacation leave. Some succeeded in getting this essential employee benefit from their employers. Others did not. As a matter …
OK, this article is going to come across as part career advice, part opinion seeking, part storytelling, and part rant on the ethics of hiring employers asking for references …
At times we all have to work jobs that are not exactly what we envision ourselves in at our career peak. Case in point, my first job ever was …