How Long Should you Keep Tax Records?

This article on how long to keep tax records has been updated for the 2024 & 2025 tax years. I strive to be a minimalist. Clutter, whether it’s physical possessions (stuff), electronic clutter (emails, files, social media, etc.), or old fashion paperwork can cloud my mind and really weigh heavily on me. That’s why a recent reader inquiry from “Stacey C” really resonated with me,

I have been piling up tax returns for the last 7 years or so and don’t really feel comfortable leaving them around. But, I’m worried about getting rid of them for audit purposes. Does the IRS give a recommendation on how long to keep tax records and what is your opinion on how long you should keep tax records?”

Great question, Stacey.

how long to keep tax records

The IRS has a recommendation on how long to keep tax records. In it, they refer to the “period of limitations”, which is similar to the “statute of limitations” that many people are familiar with. It’s basically the period of time in which an action or claim (e.g. an audit) can be made against you. It’s also relevant if you need to amend a return, as the period of limitations also applies to that.

In general, the IRS has 3 years after a return was filed to initiate an audit. There are, however, a number of exceptions to this rule. I’ll break out those exceptions in the following table:

If you:Then keep tax records for:
File a return and the following situations below do not apply to you.
3 years
File a claim for a loss from worthless securities or bad debt deduction.7 years
Do not report income that you should report, and it is more than 25% of the gross income shown on your return.6 years
File a fraudulent return.No limit
Do not file a return.No limit
File a claim for credit or refund after you filed your return.
Later of 3 years or 2 years after tax was paid
Keep employment tax recordsAt least 4 years after the date that the tax becomes due or is paid, whichever is later.

It’s also worth noting that this doesn’t just mean your completed 1040 form – it means all of the supporting tax documentation that goes along with it. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Income forms: W-2, 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, K-1, etc.
  • Investment records:
    • 1099-B: investment brokerage statement that covers gains/losses from trades.
    • 1099-DIV: investment brokerage statement that covers any taxable capital gains or dividends paid out to you.
    • 1099-INT: taxable interest exceeding $10, typically from a savings, checking, CD, or money market bank account.
  • Property taxes and mortgage interest (1098)
  • Affordable Care Act documentation: 1095
  • Expense records (check out the new IRS Gig economy tax guide for help in this area)
  • Donation receipts
  • Retirement account documentation: 1099-R, 5498, 8606, etc.

State Tax Statute of Limitations on Audits can Differ

To make matters even more complicated, a number of state tax statute of limitations on audits differ from the IRS 3-year rule for raising an audit:

  • Arizona, California, Colorado, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin: 4 years from the date you file your return or the date it is due, whichever is later, to assess additional obligations.
  • Kansas: 3 years after the latest of: 1) the date the original return is filed; 2) the date the original return is due; or 3) the date the tax due on the return is paid. Taxes can also be assessed up to 1 year after an amended return is filed, if filed later than the dates above.
  • Louisiana and New Mexico: 3 years from December 31 of the year your taxes are due.
  • Minnesota: 3.5 years from the filing date or the due date, whichever is later.
  • Montana: 5 years from the filing date or the due date, whichever is later.
  • Oregon: 3 years from the filing date.
  • Tennessee: 3 years from the filing date or the due date, whichever is later, unless you claim a refund (in which case it’s 3.5 years) or the IRS changes your federal return (in which case it’s 5 years).

My Opinion on How Long to Keep Tax Records

I tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to tax matters. There is no limitation on how long the IRS or any state can initiate an audit if they believe you have filed a fraudulent return (or didn’t file one at all). With that being the case, then the 3-year period of limitations is essentially meaningless, right? And if you got rid of your 7-year old tax return 4 years ago, it’s probably somewhere in the digestive cavity of a worm by now – and you have no documentation to support yourself in an audit.

Sure, it may be unlikely the IRS or a state will raise an audit after the typical period of limitations is up, however, it could still happen.

So, my recommendation would be that you should keep your tax documentation indefinitely. You can do this by keeping digital records of everything (plus paper records for the standard 3 years, just in case original documentation is requested). The best way to do this would be to simply have a tax folder in cloud storage (Google Drive is free) for each year, and scan (or download from online accounts) and upload all documentation to that year’s folder. This simultaneously serves 4 purposes for you:

  1. It gives you the ability to shred all paper documentation after 3 years, without worry of having no documentation if you do get audited.
  2. It eliminates clutter, if you are cautious like me.
  3. It allows you to later cross-check your income history with Social Security statements online (to make sure their recorded income at matches your actual income and you don’t get short-changed on future payments). Besides, seeing your income history over time is pretty cool anyways.
  4. If it’s in the cloud, it can’t be destroyed by fire, flood, or other natural disaster. And, it’s less likely to be taken by theft.

Readers: how long do you keep your tax documentation?

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