Category: Save
Lets just come right out with it: Your home is not an investment. In fact, home ownership can be a financial disaster. Before all of you homeowners call me …
When finding a property to rent or buy, I’ve often seen one common trap that many fall in to when considering housing costs: not calculating the total cost to …
You’re looking for a new place to live, you’ve gone through your checklist, and even gone so far as to analyze the price to rent ratio in your area. …
Determining whether to rent or buy a home, apartment, or other dwelling is often a tough choice to make. As we discussed, housing costs are huge (between 31-39% of …
Realtors are paid to tell us “It’s a great time to buy a home” (in fact, I remember an ad campaign recently with just that slogan…), “You deserve it!”, …
Having a healthy body and taking preventative health into your owns hands so that you can avoid costly medical bills requires exercise. A massive study of 400,000 participants in …
Health care costs for services, devices, and procedures are inevitable. Even if you’ve taken proper preventative health care measures and are covered by insurance, you WILL encounter medical bills …
We’ve covered healthy eating/cooking quite a bit already, in the Summer of Saving series. But I wanted to dive a bit deeper in to preventative health through the food …