Category: Career
I was perusing unemployment duration data on the BLS website recently (yes, this is what personal finance bloggers do) and noticed that in early 2015 and the average duration …
Part-time jobs don’t always equate to zero benefits. There are plenty of part-time jobs out there that offer surprisingly good health insurance and benefit plans. You just have to …
It used to be that retirement was an attainable vision for just about everyone in the U-S-of-A. Definition of Retirement: sit around the home, read the paper, play some …
At first, the idea that a secondary degree might leave you worse off than before will sound contradictory to everything we’ve heard. After all, there is plenty of data …
According to the Conference Board research group, in an article published by the AP, only 45% of Americans like their job, down from 49% in 2008, and 61% in …
According to CNN, 85% of college seniors plan to move back in with their parents. That number is up from 67% in 2006. The rise is almost surely due …
On my job security post last week, one commenter noted that they were surprised to see that ‘job performance’ was not on the list of 4 key pillars to …
Job Security: One Pillar at a Time Job security is hard to come by these days. In an age where our culture has come to the conclusion that no …