Category: Career
There was a really positive response to the ‘marketable hobby’ concept in my post about shifting the perception of what retirement is and should be, so I thought it …
This one should fire you up one way or the other. I’ve been in many a heated debate about this very topic before. So let’s have some fun with …
What is Open Enrollment? This is open enrollment season at many employers. What is open enrollment? It’s basically a window of time that your employer allows you to change …
I asked 20somethingfinance readers to vote on what employer sponsored benefit was their favorite. Out of 238 votes, the first place benefit was rather clear: medical, dental, and vision …
Which Sub Sandwich Franchise is the Best to Own as a Franchisee? Ever wonder what it would take to own a successful franchise? The thought of owning one has …
Whether you’ve graduated recently or you’re thinking about going back to school, there are some appealing rate cuts that you could take advantage of. This is potentially a great …
How much do you make? $50K a year? OK… how much do you really make? Yeah, your real wage. The answer may surprise you. When looking at the larger …
Could a Peace Corps job be for you? Despite nearly a 4.0 GPA at a respected university, resume counseling, and mock interview practice, I had a very hard time …